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Special events are usually all-day events during which people gather to re-create the Middle Ages with as much authenticity as possible, given modern safety and other considerations. Activities vary from event to event, but most have a tournament and an elaborate evening meal called a feast. There may also be a royal court, games, arts competitions and classes, dancing, and bardic circles (storytelling, music, and poetry). An attempt at pre-1600's clothing is required to attend. Loaner clothing is available to those who do not yet have any.

Local branches usually host one or two special events per year. For example, Vest Yorvik hosts "Step Spritely," a dance event in February, each year. For a list of upcoming events in the Kingdom of Ealdormere (Ontario), please see the current events calendar through the navigation menu. You can also access the Canton calendar as well to see our upcoming meetings and other important dates.

This is the recognized web site for the Canton of Vest Yorvik of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is maintained by the Webminister. Any discrepancies between the electronic version of any information on this site and the printed version will be decided in favor of the printed version. For information on using photographs, articles, or artwork from this web site, please contact the Webminister. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors.

All external links are not part of the Canton of Vest Yorvik web site. Inclusion of a page or site here is neither implicit nor explicit endorsement of the site. Further, SCA, Inc. is not responsible for content outside of this website.


Participants engaging in this behavior are subject to appropriate sanctions.

If you are subjected to harassment, bullying, or retaliation, or if you become aware of anyone being harassed or bullied, contact a seneschal, President of the SCA, or your Kingdom’s Board Ombudsman.

Copyright © 2019 The Canton of Vest Yorvik.

Last updated August 2019 by Rubeus le Blont

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