The SCA is run entirely by volunteers. Volunteering is not only a great way to meet and socialize with new and like-minded people, but it is also a perfect opportunity to contribute to one's own community and make it an even better place to be in. Within the SCA, we recognize contributions made through volunteer service with everything from simple 'thank you's' to elaborate awards, and everything in between.
There are many opportunities for youth and adults alike to donate their time towards making the community an even better place to be in. Some include:
sitting at the entrance to events and taking payments for entry/food reservations
serving event attendees during the evening feast/meal
helping to set up and tear down event spaces
being an Officer of the Canton, Barony, Kingdom, or Society
becoming a certified marshal in a given area of combat and supervising said combat
assisting with food preparation and cleanup for a given event's meal(s)
running game activities for youth
finding and coordinating the rental of space for a meeting/event/demo
preparing camp sites during camping events
providing water for combatants during a combat tournament
being a part of the entourage for Royalty at an event
donating medieval-esque clothing and items
spear-bearing during Court
printing flyers for recruitment efforts
and more!