Canton Officers
All Canton Officer positions are volunteer positions that assist in maintaining the Canton's operations. A description of each is provided below, along with the mundane equivalent in brackets, and a way to contact said officer if needed.

Seneschal (President)
The Seneschal is the one who is in charge of organizing and finding a space for weekly meetings. They also typically set the agenda for meetings in consultation with Canton members' opinions. They must report quarterly on the goings-on of the Canton, and keep a census of the local membership. Our local Seneschal may be contacted at vestyorvikseneschal@gmail.com.
Chatelaine (Contact for Newcomers)

The Chatelaine is responsible for helping those who wish to try out or join the SCA with finding a local group, and making them feel welcome. They typically provide some resources to newcomers such as where to find/how to make medieval clothing to wear to events, information regarding the structure of the SCA, contact information for existing members who might serve as suitable mentors for the newcomer(s), and more. They must report quarterly about who and how many new people have joined the Canton. Our local Chatelaine may be contacted at vychatelaine@gmail.com.
Exchequer (Treasurer)
The Exchequer manages the finances of the Canton. They maintain the Canton's bank account, keep track of income and expenses, and sign and cut cheques when needed. They must report quarterly on the financial dealings of the Canton. Our local Exchequer may be contact at vyexchequer@gmail.com.
Pursuivant (Herald)

The Pursuivant assists members, where possible, with applications to register their name and desired device (a coat of arms) with the SCA. They must report quarterly on who and how many people submit new names and/or devices, and must also keep track of who in the Canton has won an award, the type of award, and when they received it. Our local Pursuivant may be contacted at vypursuivant@gmail.com.
Minister of Arts and Science (Education Minister)
The Minister of Arts and Science is responsible for keeping track of all of the learning that occurs in the Canton. They keep a record of which member is learning/practicing/teaching a given art and/or science, and must report on said activities quarterly. They may also assist Canton members with finding a mentor in a given art/science, arranging for a class/lecture to be given locally on a given topic, and more. Our local Minister of Arts and Science may be contacted at vymoas@gmail.com.
Webminister (Webmaster)
The Webminister updates the website with new information and resources as they become available. They add and remove content as is necessary, and ensure that the online presence of the Canton is current. Our local Webminister may be contacted at vywebminister@gmail.com.
Marshal (Combat Supervisor)
The Marshal ensures that all combat activities in the Canton comply with the law and SCA safety policies. Each type of combat has its own type of Marshal, and without the presence of one who is certified, combat activities are not permitted to run. They must report quarterly on the combat activities of the Canton. Our local Marshal may be contacted at vycombatmarshal@gmail.com.